Replacement coils for the V-One series of vaporizers from Xvape including: the Xmax V-One Ceramic Donut Wax Vape Pen, V-One Creeper Wax Pen, and V-One 2.0 Wax Vape Pen/Portable Nail. Coils are available in Ceramic Donut, Quartz Rod 'Creeper' Coil, and Dual Quartz Rod Coil.
1 V-One Replacement Coil
Note: While all coils will fit all of the V-One Series pens we do NOT recommend using the ceramic donut coil with the V-One 2.0 battery. The V-One 2.0 battery has temperature control which does not work well with ceramic coils and can lead to short coil life. The Quartz Rod 'Creeper' Coil and Dual Quartz Rod coils will work with all three V-One series products.